The anime series Sword Art Online(SAO) is a video game anime that revolves around a fictional virtual world where players duke it out with magical swords and spells. Because of its video game design, a significant portion of the game’s adventures involve characters picking up new swords and transforming them into more powerful versions that allow them to access new abilities as swordsmen.
No other character changes swords as much as Kirito, the lead male protagonist of the series. Kirito’s Night Sky Sword is his primary sword for the Alicization story arc, but he later gets his hands on the Blue Rose Sword.
Sword Art Online Lore About The Blue Rose Sword
The Blue Rose Sword is a bright blue blade with a blue scabbard and hilt. The sword gets its name from the rose at the center of its crossguard which is engraved into the blue metal, hence the name “Blue Rose”. It is known for being a Divine Object Priority Class 45 weapon which simply means that its origins are mystical in nature because it is created using a Sacred Arts ritual.
This gives it incredible strength and power, allowing its user to cut through the Gigas Cedar.
It first appeared in the Alicization Arc
The Blue Rose Sword made its first appearance in Sword Art Online:Alicization War of the Underworld which is simply known as the Alicization Arc, the fourth main story arc of Sword Art Online.
The Alicization Arc introduced viewers to a new virtual world called the Underworld and a team of Integrity Knights to partner up with the heroes, Asuna and Kirito.
The sword didn’t belong to Kirito at first
Speaking of Integrity Knights, the Blue Rose Sword first belonged to an Integrity Knight by the name of Eugeo. Eugeo is a childhood friend of Kirito who is tasked with saving the virtual world at his side. Because of this, Eugeo trained himself relentlessly with his Blue Rose Sword to find Kirito and complete their quest together.
It was designed to contrast with the Elucidator
The Blue Rose Sword is just one of the many ways that SAO tries to contrast Eugeo and Kirito as foils to each other. The sword is designed in a way that strongly resembles Kirito’s Elucidator and colored blue as opposed to black to give it a more yin-yang appearance when placed side by side with the Elucidator.
The sword later turns red
Eugeo’s Blue Rose Sword later turns red after Eugeo dies in the battle against Raois who severs his arms, leaving him to bleed out to his death. His brutal end also resulted in the destruction of his sword. When the sword is reforged later, Kirito finds that it has turned red because of his Incarnation.
What’s A Sword Replica and How Do You Pick One?
Anime sword replicas are copies of real life or fictional swords that are meant to resemble the swords they’re patterned after without being ready for a real fight. Essentially, they’re to scale props that are made for collectors, roleplayers, and cosplay enthusiasts.
To find the perfect sword replica for your wishlist, you need to decide on what sword from fiction you want a replica of, what material you want it to be made of, and what size of sword you need to get a prop of an appropriate size.
Our Top Pick for Blue Rose Sword Replicas
This Blue Rose Sword replica from RealFireNSteal is a true to scale replica of the anime sword that’s designed for both collectors and cosplayers alike. The sword is made of durable carbon steel, ensuring that you can demonstrate your sword fighting skills at your local convention without severely damaging your copy of Eugeo’s blue rose sword.
The sword delivers all the fine details of the original, particularly the blue roses on the crossguard and scabbard that give the sword its name. This life-sized longsword also has a sizable hilt that lets you hold onto the blade comfortably.
Material: Carbon steel blade
Size: 114 cm
The Blue Rose Sword is a powerful weapon from the Sword Art Online franchise that symbolizes the narrative journey of its previous owner, Eugeo, and its new owner, Kirito, in addition to being an all-around badass sword. You can get your own replica online that accurately copies the sword for your cosplay and collection needs.
20-something freelance writer who likes games and history maybe a little too much. When I'm not writing for the web, I write notes for a new Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Hyperfixations include Genshin Impact, color eyeliner, true crime, and Star Wars.
Juliana has been writing for nearly thirty years and concentrates on Tudor and Medieval history. She has written for Tudor Dynasty, Tudor Writing Circle, Historian Matt Lewis, and others. Juliana currently writes for Pen and Sword Publishers and is the author of several books, including Medicine in the Middle Ages and A History of Insanity and the Asylum.